Immaculate Conception Wednesdays 6:00pm-7:00pm
St. Patrick Sundays 9:45am-10:45am
Catholic Faith Formation is the partnership between the families and the Parish. The Catholic Formation department is here to enhance the religious formation already happening in the home. Each of us providing the talents and information with which we raise our Christian children. Experiencing Faith begins within the family, and the Parish community nurtures and supports this through Faith Formation.
Grades K-5 will use the curriculum from the Sadlier Series, We Believe. The series integrates prayer, liturgy, and Catholic social teaching with catechesis. Catholic identity is promoted through the clear presentation of content. Kindergartners may choose to attend Children’s Liturgy of the Word on Sundays or Wednesday evening classes. First Graders should attend either Wednesday Evening Catholic Formation Classes or be enrolled at St. Mary’s School, since they will begin more in depth catechesis in preparation to receive the sacraments of First Reconciliation and First Communion in the second grade.
The lessons comply with the National Directory for Catechesis within a six task outline. The Sadlier Series consist of: We Gather. Each chapter begins with a meaningful prayer and invites children to share their thoughts and experiences. We Believe, presents the truths of the Catholic faith, based on Scripture and Tradition and provide re-engagement activities for each faith statement. We Respond, helps children live out their beliefs through prayer, reflection and action. Every text contains many special family activities to involve the entire family in faith development. This program runs Sept. – Apr. See page 4 for contact information.