Rite of Christian initiation of Adults, often abbreviate RCIA is and a process that adults use to become full members of the Roman Catholic Church. Whether a person has limited formal religious upbringing, a prior formation in and of another faith denomination, or is already Catholic but wanting to complete their Sacraments of Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist, RCIA may be exactly what their heart is looking for.

Formal classes begin in the fall. During the 1 to 2 hour sessions, we explore the Catholic Faith, Prayer, Sacramental Life, Scripture, and the Traditions of the Church, which has been around for over 2000 years.  We share our Faith, our Knowledge, and our Care, as we journey with you.

If you are interested in RCIA, or at least finding our more about it, contact Deacon Mike Germain, 715- 246-5303 or email: rcia.ic.newrichmond@gmail.com. Inquiring by no means imposes obligation.  There is no cost for the program.  All that is required is an open heart to what God has in store for you.

NOTE: RCIA classes are not just for those wishing to receive sacraments but are a great resource of knowledge for those wishing to brush up on their Catholic Faith. Feel free to attend the sessions and share your insight. For the complete syllabus and dates click the PDF file below.