First Reconciliation

First Reconciliation

The sacrament of Reconciliation (Confession, Penance) is the means and the sign that Christ gave us to show His willingness to heal us when, through our own human frailty, we turn in on ourselves and away from Him and our neighbor. This is the sign God has given us that through the words of His priest (“I now absolve you from your sins”) whatever harm we have done to our relationship with our God is healed and we are restored to a state of warm friendship with our Father in heaven.


Preparation for First Reconciliation at Immaculate Conception is a family based program in which parent participation is required, allowing parents and children to prepare together for the child to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation for the first time. Preparation for First Reconciliation begins each September for children in 2nd grade or older. The celebration of the Sacrament takes place in late November or early December. Please note that children must be participating in Faith Formation and have attended First Grade religious formation sessions or are enrolled in a Catholic School.


Preparation for the Sacrament of Reconciliation includes two mandatory large group parent/child events to re-enforce and enhance the lessons taught at home, at Faith Formation and Catholic School. The first is a parent/child orientation meeting. There is also an interview day with the child prior to receiving the Sacrament to ensure that they understand what they have been taught about the Sacrament of Reconciliation. Details with more information will be given at the required scheduled meetings.  See calendar for dates and Policy Handbook for detailed requirments.